Button quail seed mix


New member
My recently acquired button quail, who I’ve named BillyBob & Suzy Q! Came with some feed which was a finch & millet mix, are there any other seeds I can add to this, I also give them a green leaf of something daily, yesterday they had some cucumber, I understand they need some protein, what would be a good source of this.

They now have a sand dust bath with Diatom in it which Suzy Q loves?


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Hampshire, U.K.
Hi Helen. Are there any seed mixes available in NZ specifically for quail? Mostly such mixes here are sold mainly for coturnix quail, raised fir their eggs, Yes they do need a relatively high protein diet compared with chickens, and I think perhaps your best bet might be to search the internet for articles on feeding, and on other things they need such as suitably small- sized grit, such as this one which might be useful.
Keeping button quail isn’t very common, at least in the UK, although if you search the archive of this section of Poultrykeeper you will find quite a lot of posts which might interest you about care and management. They certainly are amazing little birds. I do think that your male would be happier with two females, if possible, and this might reduce the demands on a single hen once the breeding season gets under way.
What sort of run have you got for them, and can they go outdoors in a run on grass in suitable weather? Any outdoor ranging you can offer will help to supplement their diet with high-protein bugs and other treats.

Some pics of them would be lovely. The forum software isn’t the most modern but here’s how to do it. http://poultrykeeperforum.com/viewtopic.php?t=11259