Ebay sellers - The good


New member
Thanks prettydaffodil for the info about jonth03ner. I have been looking for a seller of good gold campine eggs and he was on my watch list so great to hear that they are good fertile eggs.

We also got some gold campine eggs form ebay. Seller ID ringabell13. We picked them up as it was extreamly local to us. We bought 6 and candled at day 10. 3 were fertile so contacted the seller who said she would replace the 3 infertile whenever we were ready. All 3 fertile eggs hatched with good strong healthy chicks who are growning into fine examples of the breed. When we were ready for the replacement eggs we again went to collect and were give 5 instead of the 3. We put 3 into our incubator and gave 2 to a friend with a broody. Out of these 5 we had 4 more chicks, again very healthy birds and fine examples. We have had great aftercare and advice from this lady and would highly recomend her as a seller! :)08


New member
I couldn't get any Campine eggs from jonth03ner after he had an unfortunate incident of one of his orpington cockerels escaping and being found in with the campines so ended up buying 1/2 doz from crooks5540. He was really helpful regarding us needing the eggs to arrive on a certain date and even sent an extra 2! They arrived really well packed, if a little dirty (but what can you expect given the weather we have had over the last month.) The last 2 chicks have hatched today and I have ended up with 7 out of 8. All look perfect examples of the breed. Another highly recomended seller. :D


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N.W. Surrey
"Wiltax57" - very good, 6 out of 6 Pekin eggs fertile, all 6 hatched, Blue Millefleur and Millefleur, and lovely little birds. Another bonus, 5 pullets, and the most stunning Blue Millefleur chap!! - so stunning, in fact, that I have already been asked for him, but I am going to do my best to keep him, have to think of a way to gag him, any ideas?.
All this, and the most basic of postages in price. I have always thought it is entirely down to the actual quality of the parent birds and the eggs, and not the poor old postman's fault.


New member
valeriebutterley said:
have to think of a way to gag him, any ideas?.

I normally keep the coop doors closed until around 8am ... my lad does crow but as he is confined in the coop it keeps the noise to a minimum and also does not stat too early .. neighbours are ok with this as a result ....


New member

I have purchased 2 lots of 6 eggs (mixed breed) and have had great results, first clutch 3 out of 6, second clutch, hatched in my children's classroom, and we got 5 out of 6 which I think is pretty impressive for eggs through the post.

Always well packaged and a fast delivery.